Daylight Saving Time officially ends at 2:00 am, Sunday morning, November 3rd.

You should also change the batteries in any smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms this weekend. Smoke and CO alarms can save lives, but only if they work!*
- Smoke Alarms
Batteries should be replaced in smoke alarms at least once a year, unless they have sealed, 10-year batteries. It is recommended that consumers test smoke alarms monthly to make sure that they are working properly.
Smoke alarms should be placed on every level of the home, inside each bedroom, and outside sleeping areas.* - Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Carbon monoxide alarms need fresh batteries at least once every year, unless they are powered by sealed, 10-year batteries. Carbon monoxide alarms should be tested once a month to make sure they are working
properly, installed on every level of the home and outside sleeping areas.* - Thermostats
With colder weather approaching, it's also a good idea to replace batteries in your thermostat, to ensure that it operates as required all season long.
Make it a tradition, that when you change your clocks for Daylight Saving Time, that you also change your smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm and thermostat batteries.